We are located in the McConnell Building in Dover, NH. Although our address is Locus Street, it’s easiest if you do NOT park in the main lot on the library side or enter through the main doors!
For easy access, you can usually find parking along St. Thomas Street (set your GPS for 26 St. Thomas Street).
Enter Door #6 which is across from the Dover District Courthouse. It’s just a few short steps to the second floor and Suite #246 is just to your right. We’re right across from the Butterfield Gym.
If you are unable to take the steps, enter through Door # 7 and take the elevator to the 2nd floor. After exiting the elevator take a right and another right and there we are in Room #246 (across the hall from the Butterfield Gym).
Or, if you park on the opposite side in the main parking lot, go to the rear of the building to Door # 8, go to the second floor, turn left to the end of the hall, then a right and another right (easier if you come in Door #6).

Following most services, we host a pot lunch fellowship gathering. All in attendance are welcome.
Can’t attend live? Watch our service on Facebook or Youtube:
Unity of the Seacoast Facebook Page
Unity of the Seacoast Youtube Channel